Grade 11 – Nautical Science

October 22, 2020

Finding the latitude

When the sun and the observer’s zenith are on the same celestial meridian, then there is a simple relationship between declination, zenith distance and the latitude.  All three are arcs of the same great circle and their values give the distance of each point from the celestial equator (equinoctial) and […]
October 22, 2020

Procedure to find the latitude of the observer at meridian passage

The procedure laid out below should be followed to find the latitude of the observer at meridian passage. A pro forma format for working the problem out is also provided and should be followed in conjunction with the procedure. A good navigator will start preparing for the midday sight an […]
October 22, 2020

Tides and the cause of tides

Tides can be defined as the periodic rise and fall of the level of the sea caused by the combined solar and lunar gravitational forces acting on the earth. There are generally two high waters and two low waters occurring at any place during a period of 24 hours and […]
October 22, 2020

Tide tables

The Hydrographer of the SA Navy is responsible for producing a table of tides covering the South African coast and that of Namibia. These tables contain: The predicted times and heights of low water and high water in all South African and Namibian ports, as well as the phases of […]