October 22, 2020


Individual corrections. In order to be able to use the altitude obtained by sextant of a heavenly body, we need to convert it from a sextant altitude to a true altitude. To do this we need to apply five individual corrections to the altitude obtained from the sextant, namely corrections […]
October 22, 2020

Observed to true altitude

When we take a sextant altitude of a heavenly body, we measure the angle between the body and the visible sea horizon as witnessed from the observer’s position on the bridge of a vessel. (angle DOX in the diagram). This is referred to as the observed altitude. In converting it […]
October 22, 2020

Sextant altitude

Sextant altitude, observed altitude and index error. The altitude is measured by a sextant and although they are precision instruments, there is always a slight difference between the sextant altitude and the observed altitude caused by the design and manufacture of the instrument. This difference is referred to as the […]
October 22, 2020

Dip and apparent altitude

This is the angular difference between the altitude measured between the apparent horizon and the body as seen through the observer’s eye and the altitude which would be measured between the body and the horizon as seen from the surface of the sea. The observer will always be a certain […]