2.4 Safety at sea – emergency procedures and boat handling

October 30, 2020


If a ship is damaged through a collision or some other accident and is unable to contain the resultant influx of water and it is near a suitable shore, then consideration should be given to beaching the vessel in order to prevent it from sinking and to affect temporary repairs. […]
October 30, 2020

Control of fire at sea

A fire onboard poses a very serious threat to the vessel and the crew. There is no municipal fire service to call upon and there is no escape from the consequences of the fire. For this reason it is imperative that every precaution is taken to prevent a fire from […]
October 30, 2020


The towing mentioned in this section, refers to the towing of one vessel by another in an emergency and not the professional towing of a vessel by a tug/salvage vessel. All vessels usually have a dedicated towrope/wire which is specially made up for use during an emergency. Depending on the […]