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October 22, 2020

Finding the set, rate and drift of a current

The best way of demonstrating how to find the set, rate and drift of a current is by using a practical example: Problem: From an observed position at 1200 a vessel steers 110° (T) at 12 knots. At 1330 another fix is obtained. Determine the set rate and drift of […]
October 22, 2020

Finding the estimated position (EP) allowing for a current

The following example is used to explain the procedure to follow: Problem: From an observed position at 1200 a vessel steers 110° (T) at 10 knots. The current is setting 350° (T) at 2 knots. Determine the estimated position for 1330. Solution: Plot the true course from the 1200 position. […]
October 22, 2020

Finding the course to steer in order to counteract the current

The following example is used to explain the procedure to follow: Problem: A vessel steaming at 10 knots wishes to make good a course of 110° (T) from its 1200 position. Find the course to steer allowing for a current setting 170° (T) at 2 knots. Solution: Plot the 1200 […]
October 22, 2020


Whilst currents/tidal streams have the greatest effect on the movement of vessels, the wind can also affect their movement. The effect of the wind on vessel movement is two fold: Firstly, it will cause an increase or decrease of the speed through the water depending on whether the wind is […]