September 20, 2020

Electronic navigation systems

Introduction. On modern sea-going vessels there are a number of electronic navigation systems and equipment which are designed to assist the navigator to navigate his vessel safely. They are: The gyro compass. Ship’s log. Echo sounder (depth recorder). Radar. Automatic radar plotting assistant (ARPA). Automatic identification system (AIS). Global positioning […]
September 20, 2020

Gyro compass

Except for small recreational vessels, most vessels are equipped with two types of compass, namely a gyro and a magnetic compass. The former is used as the primary compass with the latter as back-up in the event of gyro or power failure. Since the latter makes use of the earth’s […]
September 20, 2020

Ship’s log

The ship’s log is basically the “speedometer and odometer” of a vessel. And performs exactly the same function as that of a motor car, i.e. it records the speed of the vessel and the distance travelled. Initially logs were purely mechanical and required no electrical power to operate. They only […]
September 20, 2020

Echo sounder

An echo sounder is the instrument used to determine the depth of water beneath the keel. In order to do this it transmits pulses of sound which bounce off the sea bed. How does it work? The echo sounder system comprises four components, namely a transmitter, a receiver, a transducer […]
September 20, 2020


Radar has already been covered in a module devoted entirely to it (see menu item 1.3), so it will not be discussed further here.