December 9, 2020

Position by GPS (Global Positioning System)

The GPS will provide a position expressed in latitude and longitude. This will be plotted as a small cross, the centre of which is encircled, with GPS written alongside it.
December 9, 2020

Leading lights and markers

Leading lights and markers are usually used in the approaches to harbours or in channels where maneuvering room is very restricted. Their purpose is to guide vessels clear of dangers or down the best channel. They are shown on the chart by a line drawn through them called a leading […]
December 9, 2020

Rising and dipping distances of a light and ranges of lights

A position circle can be obtained from the rising or dipping of navigation lights over the horizon. The South African List of Lights and Radio Signals has a table of geographical ranges of lights. By entering the table with the height of the observer’s eye above water level and the […]
December 9, 2020

Danger angles

Vertical danger angle. A vertical sextant angle can be used to ensure the safety of a ship in the vicinity of dangers. If the danger is close to high land or a lighthouse, the height of the land or lighthouse can be used as a reference for determining the sextant […]
December 10, 2020

Practical example of a position determined by horizontal sextant angle and vertical sextant angle

Problem: Your vessel is anchored approximately 2 miles west of Cape Light. A horizontal sextant angle between the following points was taken: Cape Light and the water tower south of the light = 65° At the same time a vertical sextant angle was taken of Cape Light. The sextant reading […]