September 27, 2015


 Europe Water Bodies 1. English Channel and Straits of Dover 2. Turkish Straits (Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Bosphorus) 3. Straits of Gibraltar 4. Suez Canal 5. Red Sea 6. Arabian (Persian) Gulf 7. North Atlantic Ocean 8. North Sea 9. Baltic Sea 10. Adriatic Sea 11. Black Sea 12. Mediterranean Sea Ports AL       Algeciras (Spain) F          […]
September 27, 2015

Test yourself: Continents

1       A ship steams from St Petersburg to San Francisco on the west coast of North America via Panama Canal, and from there, via the shortest route to Singapore. 1.1  Name all the seas, oceans, etc, through which she will pass during the entire voyage. 1.2  On this […]
October 12, 2015

Difference in Time

October 12, 2015

Calculating Sun Time

As there is a time difference between South Africa and Australia, someone living in South Africa who wants to watch a televised cricket match in Australia will have to get up very early in the morning. A match in Sydney (Australia) may start at 11:00 Sydney time, but in South […]
October 12, 2015

International time zones

Universal Standard Time (UST) is the sun time on the Greenwich Meridian. Countries work out their Standard Time relative to the position of their longitude west or east of the Greenwich Meridian. As South Africa takes its time from 30˚ East of Greenwich and therefore two hours ahead of UST, […]