August 24, 2015

Learning Outcome 1: Maritime World

About 70 percent of the world’s surface is covered by water. Most countries need to trade across the oceans, and ships are used for about 92 percent of the world’s trade. South Africa also uses ships to move over 90 percent of our imports (cargoes that come into the country) […]
August 24, 2015

Terminology used by the shipping industry

August 24, 2015

Terminology: Parts of ships and equipment aboard ships

August 24, 2015

Ship’s Load Line

To avoid ships being overloaded, a British politician, Samuel Plimsoll, introduced a law in Britain whereby every ship had to have a special marking on both sides of the ship. This marking had to be positioned at a prescribed measurement from the main deck. The marking is now compulsory on […]
September 27, 2015

Port and Starboard

    A          Port side The “left hand” side of the ship when you are on the ship and looking towards the bow. It is associated with the colour red B          Starboard side The “right hand” side of the ship when you are on the ship and looking towards the bow. It is associated […]