Chandling services provide stores for the ship. These could be engineroom stores and spares, or paint, additional mooring lines, or food, beverages, cleaning equipment and detergents. Some chandling companies specialise in engineroom stores, and others food, while others may specialise in supplies for the deck department. Other chandlers supply the full range of requirements for ships.
Much liaison between the ship’s agent and the chandling company is necessary. The agent must inform the chandler of the ship’s requirements well in advance of her arrival date. The chandler will need to order the supplies and have them ready for delivery to the ship as soon as possible after her arrival. For that reason, the agent must provide the ship’s ETA and ETD, as well as the berth where she will be located. He must update the information immediately any change occurs.
Locally-produced goods that are provided to a ship as stores are classed as exports and no VAT is charged. However, customs declarations need to be completed regarding the goods delivered to ships.