The map may look crowded but remember you can zoom in on any section of the map to enlarge it.


1. Suez Canal (links the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea,and is part of the major shjpping route between Asia and Europe.)

2. Panama Canal (links the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean – and therefore the entire Atlantic Ocean coastline to the Pacific Ocean and Asia.)

3. Kiel Canal (links the Baltic Sea with the North Sea and allows ships to avoid having to go round the northern point of Denmark.)

4. St Lawrence Seaway, connecting the Great Lakes to the sea.

Major Navigable Rivers:

5. Mississippi River (USA – navigable from New Orleans to Baton Rouge for ocean-going ships, and to the Missouri and Ohio Rivers for barges.)

6. Amazon River (Brazil – navigable by ocean-going ships to Iquitos in Peru)

7. Rhine River (Borders on several countries, but is an important for navigation by barges from Europoort at its mouth to Basel in Switzerland. It is linked to many other canals and waterways in Europe.)

8. Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo and Congo – navigable for small ocean-going ships for 72 M to Matadi.)

9. Yangtze (Chiang Jiang) River (China – navigable from Shanghai for 200 M to Nanjing for ships up to about 2000 dwt, and for 1290 M to Chongqing for 3000-dwt ships.)

10. Xi River (China – navigable for large ocean-going ships from Hong Kong for about 50 M to Guangzhou, and tehrefafter for almost its entire length for river craft.)

Some Important ports

AL       Algeciras (Spain)

AU       Auckland (New Zealand)

BA       Buenos Aires (Argentina)

CT        Cape Town (South Africa)

D          Durban (South Africa)

F          Fremantle (Australia)

G         Genoa (Italy)

         Hong Kong (China)

K          Kolkata (India)

KU       Kuwait (Kuwait)

         Lisbon (Portugal)

LA       Lagos (Nigeria)

LO       London (UK)

M         Mumbai (India)

MO       Montreal (Canada)

NO       New Orleans (USA)

NY       New York (USA)

        Oslo (Norway)

OD       Odessa (Ukraine)

PE        Port Elizabeth (South Africa)

R          Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

RB       Richards Bay (South Africa)

RT        Rotterdam (Netherlands)

S          Singapore (Singapore_

SB       Saldanha Bay (South Africa)

SF        San Francisco (USA)

SH       Shanghai (China)

SP        St Petersburg (Russia)

SY       Sydney (Australia)

T          Trieste (Italy)

V         Valparaiso (Chile)

VA       Vancouver (Canada)

WB      Walvis Bay (Namibia)

Y         Yokohama (Japan)

September 27, 2015
Seas, gulfs, bays and straits
September 27, 2015