From an early age, Brian Ingpen walked the wharves and jetties of Cape Town harbour, stimulating his fascination with ships and their cargoes. Time on tugs and aboard ships as a schoolboy made shipping a focus that naturally led him to the South African Navy for his national service and three years with Safmarine.
His career path led him into education that included time as Headmaster of Simon’s Town School and Pinelands High School. Combining his interest in shipping with his profession, he has played a role in developing the Lawhill Maritime Centre at Simon’s Town School where, since 1995, teenagers participate in a maritime education programme as part of their National Senior Certificate curriculum in preparation for careers in the shipping industry at sea or ashore. He has addressed several international in South Africa, London and Stamford (USA) on the Lawhill Maritime education programme.
He has written eight maritime histories : South African Merchant Ships; Maritime South Africa (with Robert Pabst); Mailships of the Union-Castle Line; Safmarine 50; Horizons – the Story of Rennies; Unicorn – Navigating New Frontiers, Grindrod – Charting new Horizons and Teekay – the First 40 Years. He also researched and wrote an in-house unpublished history of the Mediterranean Shipping Company. He writes regularly for two maritime journals and a weekly shipping column in the Cape Times, Cape Town morning daily newspaper.
He holds a Master’s degree, the dissertation for which was The Coastwise Shipping Industry of Southern Africa.
© Brian Ingpen 2015
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