October 27, 2020

Ship disabled or in distress

If a vessel is disabled or in distress the following actions should be considered: If it is disabled and the safety of the crew and vessel is not an immediate issue. Hoist/activate the not under command shapes or lights. Try and repair the vessel. If the crew cannot repair the […]
October 27, 2020

Rescuing the crew of a disabled ship

When a vessel is in danger of sinking, lifeboats and rafts are not always available for abandoning ship. In such cases the crew and passengers should, if possible, remain on the ship until another vessel arrives on the scene and sends boats or rafts across. The rescue should not be […]
October 30, 2020

Distress signals

All ocean-going vessels are required to carry twelve parachute flares, the characteristics of which are the following: The rockets must reach a height of at least 300 metres when launched vertically. The parachute flare must burn with a bright red colour. It must burn for at least 40 seconds. It […]
October 30, 2020

Abandoning ship

When it seems that the ship will have to be abandoned, the following action must be taken: The lifeboats and life rafts must be prepared for launching. In remote areas where the likelihood of an early rescue is small, consideration should be given to placing more blankets and provisions in […]