December 14, 2020

Basic knots, bends, hitches and spices: Whippings

Before a rope is used one should always ensure that the ends are whipped. This prevents the ends from turning into “horses tails” and starting to unravel. It also makes the rope more seamanlike and neater. A whipping should always be at least equal in length to the diameter of […]
December 14, 2020

Knots, bends and hitches

The following two sketches show the terms and elements used with bends and hitches: Reef knot. A reef knot consists of two overhand knots made consecutively. It is used as a common tie for bending together two ropes of equal size. It is not liable to become undone when there […]
December 14, 2020

Making a line fast to a set of bits

The line is brought in around the after of the bitts and then figure of eight turns are taken between the two bitts. The last turn should be a locking turn. If the vessel is being tied up for a length of time, then the lines should be lashed down […]
December 14, 2020


Splicing is the preferred means of joining two ropes together. In contrast to knots, splicing only reduces the strength of a rope by 1/8th. There are over 234 different types of splices, but as long as the splice is strong and does not draw out under stress, it will serve […]
December 14, 2020


Rigging a Bosun’s chair. A bosun’s chair consists of a piece of wood about 50 cms long, 13 cms wide and 2.5 cms thick. Two holes are drilled at each end through which two strops are rove and spliced underneath. A thimble is then seized into the bights of both […]