December 10, 2020

Zone designations and local mean time

Zone designations. A ship’s clocks will not necessarily be altered the moment she enters a new zone. The fact that she is crossing a dividing meridian and entering a new zone does not alter the time she is keeping. Her clocks are altered to suit the convenience of those onboard. […]
December 10, 2020

Nautical almanac and conversion of time

Nautical Almanac. The data recorded in the nautical almanac is usually recorded against UT (universal time or GMT). This is for convenience sake and when looking up any of the information one has to convert the zone time to GMT. In the case of the predicted times of sunrise, sunset, […]
December 10, 2020

Seamanship and the need for basic seamanship skills

Although there are many natural hazards that confront man on land, being a land-based creature, his natural instincts allow him to cope with them most of the time. At sea the situation is different. It is not man’s natural habitat or environment and he has to learn new skills in […]
December 10, 2020

Layout of a typical ship and nautical terms

December 10, 2020

Miscellaneous ship terms