December 14, 2020

Ship disasters

Since the very beginning of man’s ventures upon the high seas there have been disasters at sea. Some were caused by nature but many more have been caused by man himself. The seabed around our coast is littered with wrecks dating back to the early Portuguese explorers. Besides the loss […]
December 14, 2020

Sea transport operations

Introduction. There are many different types and class of vessels that make use of South African ports, ie naval vessels, fishing craft, trawlers, dredgers, cable layers/repair vessels, ocean research vessels, tugs, etc. In this section however, we will be looking at the commercial types only – namely: Passenger ships. General […]
December 14, 2020

Passenger ships

Before World War 2, the main means of international passenger travel was by sea. It was also the main means of getting post (letters, documents, parcels, etc) from one continent to another. Hence the name “mail ship”. After the war, with the rapid development of aircraft, sea travel was replaced […]
December 14, 2020

General cargo (break-bulk) ships

General cargo ships have not changed very much in the past 50 to 60 years. They remain multi-deck vessels of between 6 and 15 000 tons and are capable of loading dry cargo in either packaged or bulk form. Except that the superstructure has been moved aft, there is little […]
December 14, 2020

Container ships

The concept behind containerisation is the packing of cargo into uniformly sized boxes (containers) and then designing all carrying vehicles (road, rail and ship)for the swift and efficient transport of these “boxes”, ideally from “door to door”. In order to make this feasible, it was necessary that an internationally accepted […]