December 11, 2020


At sea a ship requires personnel to operate it on a continuous basis. In order to do this the crew have to work shifts or watches. The system of watchkeeping may differ from ship to ship, but the system usually employed is based upon a three watch rotation, ie four […]
December 14, 2020

Ropes and their usage: Construction of ropes

The collective term used for all types of rope, twine and lines is cordage.  Unlike the past when rope was measured by its circumference,  it is now measured across its diameter.   It is made either from vegetable or man-made fibres.  The fibres are twisted together to form yarns, which are […]
December 14, 2020

Types of rope: natural ropes

There are five types of natural rope, namely the following: Manila. Manila is a golden brown colour and is made up of strands from a type of banana plant (the abaca) which grows in the Philippines, Borneo and central America. When mature the abaca plant grows to a height of […]
December 14, 2020

Types of rope: man-made (synthetic) ropes

There are five types of synthetic ropes, namely Nylon (Polymide). Nylon is the strongest of all ropes in common use and is slightly stronger than polyester. However, if it is much used, it becomes weaker than polyester. It is also the most elastic of all ropes and can stretch up […]
December 14, 2020

Handling and care of ropes

When working with ropes the following should be borne in mind at all times: Never lead a rope around a sharp bend or over an edge. The chaffing action will quickly wear away the rope and cause it to part. To minimise this, always lead the rope around a smooth, […]