The sea produces millions of tons of food each year, and employs millions of people worldwide. Fishing vessels have a variety of designs, depending on the type of fish that they will catch and the length of time they will be at sea. These vessels range from large, well-equipped stern trawlers (some are 120 metres long) to small wooden or fibre-glass vessels only a few metres long with no facilities aboard.
Off the South African coast, large stern trawlers are at sea for days at a time – some for several weeks – returning to harbour when their freezer capacity is full. Others go out for a much shorter period to catch snoek, yellowtail and other line fish. Frozen or fresh crayfish (caught in net-traps), hake (a deepsea fish caught by trawling), squid (known as chokka, and served as calamari) and tuna (a line fish) have large export markets.