October 16, 2015

Major shipping companies that operate to and in South Africa

October 16, 2015


  Grindrod is the holding company of Unicorn Tankers and Island View Shipping and several other subsidiary companies. The following are some important events in the history of Grindrod. Besides those listed here, Grindrod has bought a number of other companies to grow its operations to become a leader in […]
October 16, 2015

Maritime Carrier Services (MACS)

Teach Yourself As you read through the article, you will find reference to MACS (Maritime Carrier Services) GAL (Gulf Africa Line) and TAL (Trans-Atlantic Line) Now make a note of major events in the life of this interesting company; trades on which each Line operates; the type of ship operated […]
October 19, 2015

African Marine Solutions (AMSOL)

African Marine Solutions (AMSOL) is a South African company with an association with the famous Dutch salvage and ocean towing company Smit, founded in Rotterdam (Netherlands) in 1842. The South African origin of the company dates back to the 1970s when Safmarine (then South Africa’s largest shipping company) formed Saftug […]
October 19, 2015

Basic Principles of Marine Salvage