A Note for Teachers
Welcome to the MaritimeSA website that has been made possible through generous sponsorship by African Marine Solutions (AMSOL), the well-known South African company that specialises in salvage and towing operations, as well as ship management, bunkering and offshore services.
We hope that the website will help you in your preparation to teach the content of the South African syllabus for Maritime Economics in Grade 10. For many of the topics, we have provided much background information so that you and the learners can see the various topics in a broad context.
You should be able to access this website via the usual internet channels (computers that are available at your school, your local public library or in your home) and also via mobile telephones and other apps.
The content of this website may be downloaded and sections copied for bona fide educational purposes, but please note that in terms of the copyright restrictions, none of the content – text or illustrations – may be reproduced, stored or distributed in any format (electronic or otherwise) for gain.
You will find several Test Yourself sections. These are in a different font to the rest of the material. These have been tested on students in Grade 10 and have been found to be at appropriate levels of understanding of the material for Grade 10 students. We suggest that your students attempt the questions, they then compare their answers to the questions with those of their friends. If some questions are found to be difficult, we invite you to contact us at Lawhill Maritime Centre in Simon’s Town.
A Note for Learners
Welcome to the MaritimeSA website. We hope it will help you to revise the content of the South African syllabus for Maritime Economics in Grade 10.
You should be able to access this website via usual internet channels (computers that are available at your school, your local public library or in your home) and also via mobile telephones and other apps.
You will find several Test Yourself sections. These are in a different font to the rest of the material. You can compare your answers to the questions with those of your friends. If there are sections you do not understand, please ask your teacher for help.
The content of this website may be downloaded and sections copied for bona fide educational purposes, but please note that in terms of the copyright restrictions, none of the content – text or illustrations – may be reproduced, stored or distributed in any format (electronic or otherwise) for gain.