September 27, 2015

Test yourself: 10.1.1 Terminology

1.  With her own cranes, Artemis was loading 28 000 tons of steel in Durban, the 4320-TEU Oscilla was discharging containers, Ulwandle was working 13 000 tons of break-bulk cargo and 242 containers, and Capetan Andros was loading 25 000 tons of coal. Heron was clearing mud from the bed […]
September 27, 2015

Continents, water masses, canals, sea currents and major ports

September 27, 2015

Continents, lines of latitude and longitude, oceans and ocean currents

Continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australasia Important Lines of Latitude Arctic Circle; Tropic of Cancer, Equator; Tropic of Capricorn, Antarctic Circle Important Lines of Longitude : Greenwich Meridian (0o), International Date Line (Note that both of these lines of longitude are important in time calculations.) Oceans:  Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, […]
September 27, 2015

Seas, gulfs, bays and straits

September 27, 2015

Canals, navigable rivers and ports

  The map may look crowded but remember you can zoom in on any section of the map to enlarge it. Canals              1. Suez Canal (links the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea,and is part of the major shjpping route between Asia and Europe.) 2. Panama Canal (links […]